CP Rumours..

Greetings Penguins!

This is actually one of my preffered pages on the site. It is basically a bunch of rumours that has been floating around CP for quite some years now. Some will seem like old news (such as ninjas and Happy77), but a few years ago they were actually hot rumour topics!

Rumour: Ninjas!

Ninjas have been rumoured for a LONG time after CP was released, mainly as there were ninjas in Penguin Chat 3 (see penguin chat page). But since then, nobody heard anything about ninjas…UNTIL! Easter 2008 when there was a NINJA egg in the Dojo for the Easter egg hunt.

Then there were the ninja shadows at the Halloween party 2008, and about a week later, there were signs ALL over! like shadows in the Lighthouse, Plaza, Ski Lodge, Town etc. were moving about!

Then after the Dojo was blown down by the storm at the Halloween party 08, penguins started to ‘Dig out the Dojo’, it turned out it was buried in snow all along! there were a few clues there too, shadows moving outside, and of course, the ninja poster!

THEN! there was the penguin Sensei who actually built the Dojo when he was alone once, turns out he was out in the wilderness all along, and he began training ninjas at the Dojo, with the help of CARD-JITSU.

Those who earned their black belts and finally beat Sensei, could now have the black ninja mask and have access to the Ninja Hideout (left) of the Dojo! Which inside, in the Martial Artworks catalogue, members could by the ninja suit, the hand gong, and even a Dojo igloo!


So this rumour is officially: SOLVED!!!

Rumour: Happy77!

Well, in Penguin Chat 3 and in early Club Penguin Happy77 was known quite well as a moderator, but since mid 2006, everyone started forgetting about her and it was like she just…vanished!

Until December 2008, nobody had heard anything from her, but BillyBob announced on the blog, that Happy77 and Screenhog will be posting more often. Happy then began posting very often, even surpassing Billybob on a weekly basis. However, in late 2012 both Billybob and Happy revealed that they would be BOTH leaving CP for good. Farewell guys, you gave us this amazing game we have today.


Therefore this rumour has been: SOLVED!!!

Rumour: Yellow Puffle!

Many penguins have said that they have yellow puffles in their igloo’s and if you ‘tip the iceberg’ you get a yellow puffle and about 100,000 coins or so…well this is FAKE, you cannot possible tip the Iceberg (yet anyways).

Until Halloween 2007, (notice how many rumours are solved at Halloween?) nobody owned a yellow puffle of their own, but 1 was spotted at the Forest and Mountain every 15mins or so, then after Halloween, when the Stage was being built, you could see a yellow puffle at the top of the Stage every so often. Then when the Stage was built, the same yellow puffle could be seen INSIDE the Stage! about a week later, the Penguin Times talked about the puffles then a few days/weeks later, the yellow puffles were up for adoption at the Pet Shop! (members only sadly)


This rumour has been: SOLVED!!!

Rumour: Tipping the Iceberg

This is probably one of the biggest rumours on CP (after ninjas), well this is one rumour that is FAKE! there is NOway you can tip the Iceberg (yet) so don’t believe any penguin that says you can, or shows you fake pictures or a video.

The Penguin Times writes about this subject all the time, usually in the Aunt Arctic section. CP also released a Tipping The Iceberg Puzzle that can be found at Toys R Us stores across N.America. Could this be a sign?


So far, this rumour remains: UNSOLVED!!!

Rumour: Snowcats!

Snowcats are yellow JCB-like vehicles that penguins in Penguin Chat 3 could drive around in a special area. In a issue of the Penguin Times, Aunt Arctic announced CP would be crazy with loads of vehicles driving around the island. So Snowcats are not on CP yet, but in the Lighthouse, there is a small Snowcat in a bottle, which has been in there ever since the Lighthouse was re-built in 2006.

But with the new release of Club Penguin: Elite Penguin Force on Nintendo DS, on the trailer it showed a penguin driving a Snowcat!!! this is probably one of the many mini-games you can play on the game, so maybe CP is thinking of bringing back snowcats!


So this rumour remains: UNSOLVED!!! kinda…

  1. Woot my new page is complete! be sure to comment and let me know what you think!

  2. hi, I know another rumor, CHOZZICP where the hell did he go? he was so famous on mittens and christmas server!

  3. Sorry i dont believe in ‘famous penguins’.
    Unless they start appearing on TV everywhere, then they’re still normal every-day penguins.
    Thanks for commenting!

  4. wow its awesome ;D

  5. Thanks Krs100!
    Every comment matters!
    Thanks for commenting!

  6. sorry bout that yay your back I missed you

  7. Thats real kind mtorange! and thanks so much!!!
    Its great to be back!

  8. I thought you were gone forever after your last post was about meeting G!

  9. Yo, u forgot the “new room” rumor. U know, in the HQ, the black monitor, could be a new room for the white puffles. I heard rumors cp was going to make a golf room though,

  10. you forgot 2 things: Box Creator and the White puffle.


  11. Box Creator is not a common rumour, in fact, very few have even heard of it.
    The White Puffle is now available and was never such a big rumour as Ninjas and Yellow Puffles.

  12. happy77 is a mystery now

  13. its true she’s blogging with billybob sometime and the guys on the pic holding puffles they were rocketsnail billybob and gizmo

  14. you steal zilla’s blog and its all fault jimbobson

  15. Nope! I didn’t steal it xD. Me and Zilla are very good friends, and we have been for a few years. She GAVE me the blog as she doesn’t update it anymore, so it is not my fault in any way. Please make sure you have the correct facts in future.

  16. zilla put a poll on her blog saying should i coutune with this blog

  17. ok i will make zilla post things from her blog again

    • Zilla has quit blogging altogether. She is rarely seen on Pandanda. Of course, she is always free to start updating Pandanda Elite again, if she chooses too.

  18. add post on to her blog to take over pandanda and club penguin and your a evil half penguin and half panda

    • I do not plan to take over Pandanda or Club Penguin.
      On CP, I am a Penguin (Jimbobson). On Pandanda, I am a Panda (jbson).
      And of course I’m evil! BWAHAHAHAHAHA! (joking!)

  19. are you killing pandas and penguins

  20. can you be my friend on pandanda when im in your party

  21. penda beast you monster is evil a evil half penguin and half pandanda and zilla never give you her blog jim and you cant steal a friend’s blog

    • For the last time, I did not steal from Zilla. Zilla gave me it, I know Zilla MUCH more than you do. She doesn’t even know you.
      Any further comments on this subject will be deleted.

  22. zilla blogging her blog in 2009 and her last post is the last day of 2009 but you used to have club penguin frontier and pandanda uk im sorry yes zilla gave her blog to you what kind of a panda could do that she one of a kind

  23. can tip the iceberg for real

  24. i can play card jitstu and the fire or water and ice without being a member

    • That is currently impossible as nor Card Jitsu Water or Snow/Ice has even being released. When was the last time you logged into CP?
      Note: Card Jitsu Fire is members only.

  25. card jitsu ice is for nonmembers only

    • Card Jitsu Ice/Snow has not been released yet. And nothing will be for Non-Members only, it will either be for everyone or Members. I am a non-member on my main account, and a member on my back-up account.

  26. im robbing the pizza on a usa sever on tonight

  27. i killed billybob rockhopper gary yarr and aunt arctic

  28. my igloo is green im always on full severs

  29. im sorry for bad commets jbson

  30. i a member so i can go top of the moutain jim can you wait to the moutain i pay for it on club penguin

    • I’m a member too, on my account Jimbobson 2. However on Jimbobson I remain a non-member. The Mountain Expedition should kick-off in a few hours. (Since CP now releases Fridays updates on Thursday).

  31. you should play on jimbobson 2 for the moutain day

  32. was the name of your other penguins

  33. you dont know the rocketsnail website rocketsnail used to own cp but disney steals it from rocketsnail in 2007

    • Rocketsnail.com was a website that used to host games such as Penguin Chat 3. After Club Penguin was designed, Penguin Chat 3 and Rocketsnail.com was closed so everyone would go onto Club Penguin instead.
      Club Penguin is not owned by Rocketsnail, although the Moderator rsnail (rsnail was the owner of Rocketsnail.com) was the creator alongside Billybob.
      In 2007, Disney bought CP for a large amount of money, they did not steal CP in any way. CP agreed to work with Disney. Another company that wanted to buy CP was Sony, but Disney was willing to pay more money, so Sony backed out.

  34. a big battle between rocketsnail and disney the old club penguin is cooler than today’s one and cp was penguin chat 3 and go to google images type rsnail used to own cp

    • I thought you didn’t even have a Penguin account?
      CP was not Penguin Chat 3. Penguin Chat 3 was a older version of Club Penguin which got shut down. CP was then made.
      rsnail and Billybob are the main creators of CP.

  35. happy77 is billybob’s wife

  36. screenhog and gizmo are never seen on cp anymore

  37. i only play pandanda fantage eupore and toontown

  38. Mazzyandmilk/Pippy

    Keep going!

  39. Mazzyandmilk Do You Play Pandanda

  40. Supertoes Was On A Pic On I Met Henry Day And You Were Seen In There Too

  41. Fammous Pandanda People Are Primarygames And Henry Those Are The Persons Gave Free Item To All Pandas On Pandanda

  42. I have a rumor: Card Jitsu Shadow!!! Many Penguin have made edits of it, and in Card Jitsu Snow, u can earn a shadow suit. Please post this and mention me!

  43. Ok, i just have to say the Snowcat vehicle looks ALOT like the time machine from the prehistoric party! (Or is it just me? lol!) What do you think?

  44. Hmmm…. I have some rumors…..
    The Card Jitsu App, the cat puffle and the dinosaur puffle.

  45. CPcheatsmaster

    Awesome! Though I wonder if any of these things will come true in the future version of Club Penguin…

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