Funny pics!

Greetings Penguins!

Now this page is rather a strange one. It is a selection of old images I had from my previous site that I badly edited in some way to make them funny. I have no idea, everyone was doing it, I decided to join in. I have since gone over each and every image and added an extremely sarcastic comment. Enjoy them!


This was during my South Park phase of 2007. Basically, I edited it to make it look like the puffle was..oh you know it’s edited? Oh.

Punk Rockerz before she discovered Photoshop. Or Macromedia Fireworks. Or even Paint.NET.

Edit of a Purple puffle (how it used to look). Now we really have Yellow Puffles. Boo-yah.

I guess the fantastic editor of this pic (was not me, don’t worry) didn’t predict that CP would realise a Marshmallow on a Stick as an item (Camp Penguin, 2007 guys!).

If CP introduced this at Halloween parties I think they would become even better. Orange penguins are similar to pumpkins in every way.

Can’t even remember if this is official or not. Looks it, maybe it is. Apple sauce is nice anyway. Wait, can’t we feed our puffles apples nowadays?!

Bit harsh, I’m not fat I’m actually big boned.


I’m from the UK, I don’t need your USD.

That’s one short-term ban.

The editor probably got banned forever too. Ha.

Not a fan of this one. I’ll keep it, however.

Fantastic edit, or CP glitch?

Oh the irony of Spiderman in CP.

I never was much of a Star Wars fan. But anyway, here’s someone’s edit I stole. Sorry.


Someone’s brilliant editing techniques ended up on my blog. Congrats!

I didn’t create this. Ahahahaha.

First the Bully has the “Geek” upsidedown…

Perhaps could of worded this a bit better. I didn’t create this. It’s not mine. Sorry, whoever I stole it from. Btw, is that old blue I see on the bully? Naughty.

Where are the Moderaters?

I realise I stole a few photos in my time. I apologise, but lets keep them here just for the funnies.


A black puffle dancing edited onto the old-style map to look like a tornado. Not mine, however.

Why Wizard got Banned.

I stole this from someone. No idea who. Enjoy it before I get sued for Copyright.

Backfloats are relaxing

Fantastic editing skills! I stole this. Sorry.

Oh no! I’m Falling!

This one I took from some unlucky blog. Sorry about that, but it was kinda funny. When I was 11.

Now this one confuses me. How is this even funny, at all? It’s just the original founders of CP with plush puffles. Sadly, they have now all left, taking the original plushies with them.

I found this in my pictures the other day. The editing her was so believable penguins thought I was a CP Moderator for years.

Best fan mail I ever received. Totally was not me sending myself this.

Used some kind of programme to walk anywhere. This was only client side so no other penguin could see me do this.

I wasn’t exactly brilliant at English either then. And the Fall Fair had just ended so this Tiara was fabulous.

I don’t know what I’m more impressed with; my outfit or my M.S Paint skills. I’d say both.

“Jim has too many puffles!” Yes. Yes I do. Far too many. That editing was amazing.

Surely this is my best edit ever. Just look at that Photoshop perfection. 100% fully legit.

Could this be Jim’s best edit ever? No? Oh, well this was before I realised how to crop properly. And it shows the old emote! I preferred this one.

Using a programme (Bwahaa..) I added mself to my ignore list. A few years later (2012) I noticed that problems occured when adding your penguin to your own ignore list. You can’t throw snowballs. Yep.

Your custom chocolate bar

Really not sure how this one is or why it was supposed to be funny. Glass Giant was always a nice website, though.


Mmm Jimmy’OS! Yes you can now purchase cereal containing my penguin. The beaks aren’t included, however,


Jim nearly got run over by a train today. I say nearly. He survived to blog one more day.

Smartly now Soldier! I wonder if he will return in future Christmas, sorry, Holiday parties?


Jim’s off on his holidays (not really sure how this is funny but ah well).


The puffle (and penguins) inner thoughts. They were promised a free Membership by CP! Sadly, Disney took over. And all they got was a “Become a member” advert.


Egghead (Mazzyandmilk) made possibly the best typo I’ve ever seen. Anyone want to try beat him to this title?

  1. Hello this is Kaylas96

    go to my site,
    its so cool!!!!

  2. hey jim your website is really cool and funny 🙂

  3. thanx Hatrick im getting more pics soon!



  6. Lol those pics are really funny…keep ’em coming!!

  7. Ive added some more, hope u like em???

  8. thats really cool jim i did vist your wordpress

  9. ok go to disneys toontown

  10. Yeah they were cool. It was basically advertising for….but they were cool! I like the Piffle one. If only there WERE Piffles.

  11. With the last few from Glassgiant went glicthy but now they should work!

  12. The last few dont work so i will have to get rid of em 😦

  13. I’ve thought of a couple new pics now that the Christmas party is going on!

    OK, so you go to the Forest and go to the far right side, then go up north. There should be a little railroad track there. Stand behind the railroad track and walk forward until it looks like the track is hitting your head. Then you say “Ouch” or something like that.

    This next pic is still in the Forest.

    You go to the little village display and sit on the display to where you don’t disappear, but your penguin’s head isn’t too far from the track. Next you copy and paste a picture of a small train coming towards that track that your head is on. Then say “Oh no” or something.

    I thought those would be some funny pics.

  14. Lol I want to be the new head moderator!!

  15. ure pics are funny and i like your header:D

  16. Hey wait…I didn’t say I wanted to be the new head moderator! I wasn’t online at 9:35 P.M. on Dec. 28!! OMG SOMEBODY FRAMED ME!!!!!!

  17. Fake MnMzee495! Why did you frame?!

  18. Im not sure who/why they did this but ill try to find out who, also would you like me to delete that comment?
    Waddle-diddly on!

  19. No. I could use some proof in case somebody else asks….
    But why the heck would someone wanna frame me?

    Thnx for doin’ that, Jim.

  20. jimbobson right now go to your chatango http://www.jimbobz group .com

  21. WHY DO MY LINKS NEVER WORK???????????????????

  22. cool! im on club penguin improvment right now! i see you jim! =)

  23. sweet pics! visit htpp://

  24. Hi just have 3 words to say:


  25. Kwl funny pics. Our favourite one is the penguin falling off the mountain!
    ————–Kiera123 and Icepacks

  26. i hate poo

  27. Arrrr!OMG! did me ears start tellin me that omg means oh my god!!!!

  28. hey are you mocking us!

  29. i can take the money from a geek for real i can make them upsidedown

  30. Yay I like halloween

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